Etch A Sketch iPhone Case


Mar 03, 2012 by bob


Gadget Kid , USA 4.0 4.0 1 1 cool




GadgetKid Review

This iPhone 4 case is extremely cool! It is just a protective as a normal case, but it is in the shape of an etch a sketch toy! Not only is it in the shape of an etch a sketch, it is also a fully functional one too! To make the case work you download the free etch a sketch app and then sketch away using the knobs on the sides of the case. It is even made at the same factory as the original etch a sketch toy! There is one bad thing about this case and that is that it is a tiny bit bulker than an average case, but the awesome features make up for it. I love this case!  Remember that this case only works for iPhone 4!

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Mar 03, 2012 by bob


Gadget Kid , USA 4.0 4.0 1 1 cool
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